The Moroccan kingdom is determined to award a Spanish shipping company the rehabilitation of the maritime connection with the Canary archipelago after 15 years since its first voyage

Marruecos y Canarias coinciden en la reanudación de línea marítima

PHOTO/ARCHIVO - Spanish flag next to the Moroccan flag

The ties between the Kingdom of Morocco and Spain are strong, especially those with the Canary Islands. Proof of this is the intention of the Moroccan and Canary Islands governments to re-establish the maritime line that linked them and brought numerous benefits to both parties, mainly in the tourism sector, since the area is not affected by the peninsular winter due to the geographical situation of the islands and the number of jobs that this activity generates. The Alaouite government, according to AtlánticoHoy, would be willing to authorise a Spanish company to manage the trips linking the Canary Islands with the Moroccan city of Terfaya.

The main reason why a Spanish company will regulate the maritime trips is the refusal received in the face of several tenders for Moroccan companies that entered the tender to carry out the activity 15 years after it was closed, due to the accident that left the Assalama ship of the Naviera Armas stranded off the coast of Terfaya. In words picked up by the Spanish media AtlánticoHoy, the president of the Canary Islands Government, Ángel Víctor Torres, explained how the new routes would be and presented the first maritime line that would link La Caldereta and the Fuerteventura airport.


According to the declarations of the President of the Canary Islands, Ángel V. Torres, Sergio Lloret, President of the Fuerteventura Cabildo, would have pointed out, already in November 2021, that the refurbishment works carried out by the Moroccan Administration in the port of Terfaya established ideal conditions for the reopening of the line. Of all the negotiations between the two Administrations, Torres again announced to the press that the company Binter has been one of those designated to carry out the new air route service between the Canary Islands and the North African country.

Although this union was only carried out between 2007 and 2008, from both fronts they assure that this time the service will be better able due to the new reforms by the Kingdom of Morocco in the port of Terfaya, and because this time there is the possibility, thanks to a previous agreement, that a Spanish company will be the one who can provide this service. As a final statement, the President of the Canary Islands stated that Rabat would be willing to abolish port taxes, which is undoubtedly one of the most important steps towards re-establishing the line.


Pasan años antes de que se sientan las pérdidas económicas causadas por el accidente del barco Assalama. Los síntomas del cierre de la línea comenzaron a notarse en los primeros meses con despidos de empleados y reducción de beneficios en la industria hotelera de las ciudades más beneficiadas con la ruta. Sin embargo, pasarían años antes de que el cierre de pequeñas empresas causara los peores efectos. 

En declaraciones a la prensa Ángel V. Torres se mostraba optimista tras la visita a la nación norteafricana, afirmando que “vuelven con buenas noticias”, destacando la apertura de las tres líneas aéreas abiertas ente Canarias y Marruecos, dos desde Gran Canaria y una desde Lanzarote; y la ratificación de la voluntad por parte de Rabat de establecer una serie de líneas marítimas que unan el archipiélago con el reino alauí. Continuó diciendo que la falta de interés de las empresas marroquíes provocó que las ofertas para realizar las actuaciones pertinentes quedaran “desiertas”, lo que demuestra la apertura del Gobierno norteafricano a que una compañía española sea quien lo haga. La suspensión de la ruta naviera había sido motivo de preocupación tanto para directivos marroquíes como canarios, lo que da cuenta del optimismo que siguió el anuncio y corrobora las positivas relaciones entre ambas naciones y sus intenciones de forjar más puentes de entendimiento.

It takes years before the economic losses caused by the Assalama accident are felt. The symptoms of the line's closure began to be felt in the first few months with employee layoffs and reduced profits in the hotel industry in the cities that benefited most from the route. However, it would be years before the closure of small businesses caused the worst effects.

Speaking to the press, Angel V. Torres was optimistic after the visit to the North African nation, stating that "they are returning with good news", highlighting the opening of the three airlines between the Canaries and Morocco, two from Gran Canaria and one from Lanzarote; and the ratification of Rabat's willingness to establish a series of maritime lines linking the archipelago with the Alaouite kingdom. He went on to say that the lack of interest from Moroccan companies meant that the bids to carry out the relevant actions were "deserted", which demonstrates the North African government's openness to a Spanish company being the one to do so. The suspension of the shipping route had been a cause for concern for both Moroccan and Canary Island managers, which reflects the optimism that followed the announcement and corroborates the positive relations between the two nations and their intentions to forge more bridges of understanding.

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