Highlight the essentials and communicate efficiently

Three Cultures Foundation gives the keys to present your company in a few minutes

fundacion 3 culturas

Presenting our business project in a few minutes, highlighting what is most important, communicating not only with our verbal message but also with our gestures, without forgetting visual communication, is becoming increasingly necessary and useful.

After a successful meeting last year 2021 with the journalist Alicia Ro, coordinated by the Mancomunidad del Condado de Huelva, official partner in the INTREPIDA plus project, it is time to go deeper into this subject thanks to a totally free workshop of the Three Cultures Foundation on the key tools in communication that will accompany us throughout our professional and also personal career.

Knowing how to distinguish what is most important, what we should not forget, in what order to provide information, what we say beyond our words and how we do it, will be some of the ideas that Alicia Ro will share with all the people registered in a meeting that will last nine hours in total in online format, over three days, from 18 to 20 January, in the afternoon of this month of January 2022.

The Three Cultures Foundation of the Mediterranean is the Main Beneficiary of the INTREPIDA plus project, together with the following partners from Spain and Portugal: Mancomunidad Condado de Huelva, Diputación de Huelva, Asociación de Empresarios de la Región de Portalegre (NERPOR), Núcleo Empresarial de la Región de Évora (NERE) and Municipality of Faro. The INTREPIDA plus project has European funding from the INTERREG V A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) programme.

More information about the INTREPIDA plus project www.tresculturas.org/intrepida


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