Islam's response to contemporary world problems


The Absence of Peace

The simplest and most important disease of today's world is the absence of Peace.

In today's world, man as a whole has attained a high standard of material progress made possible by the advancement of science and technology in all spheres of human exigencies and at a dizzying pace.

No doubt the more fortunate sections of human society, known as the First and Second Worlds, enjoy to a large extent the fruits of the scientific progress of the contemporary era, and the Third World too has benefited to a certain extent. The rays of progress have penetrated even into the remotest places where a part of human society still lives in the remote past.

However, man is not happy and content. There is a growing uneasiness, fear, suspicion, lack of confidence in the future and displeasure with the inheritance received from the past.

These are some of the important elements that challenge the nature of the contemporary world. In response, it generates a deep dissatisfaction in man with both his past and his present. In a particular way it affects the formative process of the mind of the younger generation. Man is in search of peace.

Islam's contribution to world peace

The word "Islam" literally means peace. In this simple word, all Islamic teachings and attitudes are reflected in the most beautiful and concise way. Islam is a religion of peace. Its teachings guarantee peace in every sphere of human interest and aspirations.

For the various chapters to be published, we have separated out certain areas in which the contemporary world finds itself in need of guidance:

Inter-religious peace and harmony.
Social peace in general.
Socio-economic peace.
Economic peace.
Peace in national and international politics.
Individual peace.

Inter-religious peace and harmony.

اِنَّاۤ اَرۡسَلۡنٰکَ بِالۡحَقِّ بَشِیۡرًا وَّنَذِیۡرًا ؕ وَاِنۡ مِّنۡ اُمَّۃٍ اِلَّا خَلَا فِیۡہَا نَذِیۡرٌ

Indeed, we have sent you in truth, as the Bearer of good tidings and as the Admonisher; and there is no people on earth of any age to whom an Admonisher from God has not been sent (Ch.35: Al Fatir:25).


اِنَّ الَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا وَالَّذِیۡنَ ہَادُوۡا وَالصّٰبِـُٔوۡنَ وَالنَّصٰرٰی مَنۡ اٰمَنَ بِاللّٰہِ وَالۡیَوۡمِ الۡاٰخِرِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا فَلَا خَوۡفٌ عَلَیۡہِمۡ وَلَا ہُمۡ یَحۡزَنُوۡنَ

Indeed, those who have believed in Muhammad as the Messenger of God, and the Jews, Sabeans and Christians: all those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and do good deeds, shall not be afraid nor shall they be afflicted (Q. 5: Al-Maida: 70).

Religious values have become obsolete

Looking at the global religious scene, we immediately realise that a paradoxical situation exists in the field of religion today. Religion is losing its influence and at the same time increasing its influence in different areas. In certain parts of society, in almost all religions, there seems to be a strong retreat in the direction of dogmas, with a medieval rigidity and intolerance of opposition.

On the moral side, religion is in retreat; crime is commonplace; truth is fast disappearing; fairness and the administration of justice are on the verge of disappearance; social responsibilities are ignored, and selfish individualism is gaining strength even in otherwise self-proclaimed religious countries. These and many other social ills are positive signs that a morally decaying society is the order of the day. If the moral values of any religion are the life and soul of the religion itself, the progressive strangulation of these values leads to the inevitable conclusion that, while the body of religion is resurrected, the soul quickly vanishes from the body. Therefore, what we observe today in religion, in the so-called religious revival, is tantamount to the resurrection of dead bodies, which walk around like zombies.

In other areas, a long stagnation and lack of motivational development generates apathy among religiously inclined people. The miraculous events they expect do not happen. The fanciful phenomenon of supernatural intervention in world events, changing the world according to their wish, is not fulfilled. They wish to see the fulfilment of strange prophecies to give credence to their faith. And yet nothing materialises. These are the kind of people who provide fodder for new cults that grow on the smoke of their frustrations. The urge to escape from the past gives rise to a desire to fill the gap with something new.

In addition to these destructive tendencies, another extremely disturbing phenomenon, perhaps related to the resurgence of religious dogmas, is threatening the peace of the world. With the rise of such dogmas, a toxic environment is created that severely attacks the healthy spirit of dialogue and free flow of ideas. As if this were not enough, deliberate initiatives by unscrupulous politicians, always ready to exploit borderline situations for their own advantage, are set in motion to tarnish the image of religion itself. In addition, historical inter-religious rivalries and enmities have their part to play. In the same way, the so-called "free" media are generally controlled by invisible hands, instead of freely playing a neutral role in world affairs. Therefore, when the "media" of a country with a majority belonging to one religion joins the battle to denigrate the image of a rival religion, the scenario becomes very complex. The first victim of this mêlée is undoubtedly religion per se.

We are deeply affected and concerned by what is happening today to the world of religion. There is a profound need for religions to make a genuine and serious effort to eliminate the misunderstanding that exists between religions. I believe that Islam can take up this challenge with distinction, in a way that fully meets all demands and requirements.

To facilitate a better understanding, we have divided the subject into different sections.

For example, we believe that for a religion to be useful in establishing peace in the world, if it is to universally unite humanity, it is essential that it itself accepts the universality of religion in the sense that human beings, whatever their colour, race, or geographical denomination, are all creatures of the same Creator. As such, they have the same capacity to receive divine instruction - if divine instruction was ever granted to a part of human society. This view avoids the concept of monopolisation of truth by any religion.

All religions, whatever their name or doctrines, wherever they are found and whatever age they belong to, have the right to claim the possession of some divine truth. Moreover, we must admit that, in spite of differences in doctrines and teachings, religions, quite possibly, have had a common origin. The same Divine Authority which gave birth to a certain religion in a particular area of the world must have cared equally for the religious and spiritual needs of other human beings in other parts of the world, belonging to different epochs. This is exactly the Message of the Holy Koran, the Holy Scripture of Islam.

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