The owners of the secret


There is no greater crime in politics than wasting time. Forty months of social-communist government, supported by separatists and ETA supporters, have brought us to the brink of the abyss. The Table of Shame is the last step forward.  The Covid pandemic and the Himalayan rise in electricity and gas prices have been settled with the Venezuelan EXPRESSION to the electricity companies and investors. Ten billion lost on the stock market in three days confirms that this executive walks like a kamikaze, on the razor's edge (silver) always in the forbidden direction. At Sánchez's next meeting with the IBEX magnates, he will force them to applaud with their ears the ruin of their shareholders. 

The cowardice of the governments of González, Aznar, Zapatero, Rajoy and Dr. Sánchez to dismantle nuclear power plants, the PHN, renounce water transfers, coal and give priority to the progressive green has led us to energy and water dependence. What happened to the wastefulness of the desalination plants of Mrs. Narbona, partner of Abengoa's corrupt advisor Mr. Borrell? 


A little corrupt, yes; (9,000 euros), but corrupt. And what about the denunciations of energy poverty by Podemos and the PSOE in 17 and 18? Nothing. To continue sucking in the poltronas.  From the rajonian increases of 7% we have gone to 180% with the magician Sánchez who fixes everything with Royal Decrees in the Bible of the BOE.

We will pay for the scandalous profits of the electricity companies in the spring if the courts do not first dismantle the Imperial Edicts of Pérez-Castejón.  We are now energy dependent on an unstable Algeria and an aggressive Morocco for gas and on France's nuclear power stations across the border. This winter we will have no gas for heating. It is Putin's time, with Berlin's blessing.  

Wasting time

 The Table of Ignominy between Moncloa and the Generalitat, between Sánchez and Aragonés i García (a bilateral summit where the Spanish flag is mocked by the Catalans of ERC), has found an anti-constitutional and anti-parliamentary tool to play the partridge and arrive at the general elections in February 2024, with the president polished with the shine of a non-existent (and secret) dialogue, and of a preventive surrender watered with European money. The sectarianism of these guys whose mouths are full of equality and solidarity will enshrine the privileges of some first-class citizens - always disloyal to the Magna Carta - and other second-class citizens - the constitutionalists - until Spain is broken up. Definitely. The secret pact is simple: ERC will support the General State Budget 2022 to deceive Brussels and the PSC will support the separatists (all of them) so that the "negoti" deck in the Parliament and in the Principality is not broken.


After the pardons for the coup plotters, Sánchez knows that no matter how much Tezanos lies to him in each CIS, the PSOE is falling month by month in voting intentions and that the recovery is another collateral lie that does not correspond to reality. As he always travels in the Falcon he does not know the empty premises for sale and rent; the hotels for sale, the restaurants that have closed, the self-employed who are in ruins, the queues of the Food Bank, those of Caritas and the ERTES that he will renew until December before another million workers go definitively to integrate the lists of the former INEM on the first of January. 

The rise in the SMI imposed by Yolanda Díaz on Calviño and Escrivá - and these two were the heterodox of the economy - will mean the loss of 140,000 jobs next year because the SMEs can assume neither the increase of 15 Euros nor the social costs. The Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero Cuadrado, has already explained it (in roundabout fashion): "We will not be able to meet the 3% deficit until 2025". In other words, more debt, more deficit and more poverty. And with an inflation rate of 3.4 per cent. Pension spending alone will increase by 2.8 billion. We thought that the change of government would represent a change. But it is a change for the worse. More incompetents. More ballast in the wings.


 Marlaska, unpresentable

Apart from Marlaska, the unpresentable who will allow to pay tribute in Mondragón to Henri Parot, the most bloodthirsty of the ETA terrorists: 39 dead (among them seven women and five girls) and 4,800 years in prison.  Only the government could stop the indignity to the victims of terrorism, but this guy respects neither the living nor the dead. He is heartless. Neither the government, nor the Public Prosecutor's Office nor the National Court have lifted a finger to stop the glorification of the most bloodthirsty terrorist.

Bildu's strategy of reconverting the "ongi etorri" into a demonstration against the death penalty (forbidden by the Constitution) and in favour of human rights and coexistence is sidereal cynicism.  VOX, PP and Cs have been in Mondragón with the Victims of terrorism. Interior did not protect their presence. An elderly person was injured in the harassment of VOX attendees; García Page described the tribute as humiliating. Victims complained that the event was allowed and accused Sánchez and Marlaska of feeling abandoned. Zaragoza, Madrid and Granada have also taken to the streets to denounce this abject government that "is feeding the snake of ETA". The state has knelt before the wretched Parot. Casado announces that when he wins the elections he will ban these tributes of glorification to the murderers. 

We continue with little Marlaska. After the spectacle of the illegal repatriation of the "menas" to Rabat, blaming the government of the Autonomous City of Ceuta, he championed the "anecdotal episode" of supporting young LGTBI in Malasaña -pure lies- and here he blamed the Guardia Civil. His attacks on his subordinates are constant. He has already made officials of his ministry sign a false document to exonerate the Ciudadanos attackers on the last gay pride day. 


Marlaska puts his ideological and sexual status before his responsibility as a minister and public official. And even as a democrat. To wander around public and private television stations accusing VOX of fomenting hatred against the homosexual community, knowing that it was fake news, portrays an unscrupulous man who has become a direct lackey of "his sanity".  Hiding the denial of political asylum to "pollo" Carvajal from justice for three years is further proof that the only thing he is interested in is serving the enemies of Spain. 

Everything indicates that, after the prisoners have been brought to the Basque Country, the next dirty work will be, in collusion with the Prosecutor's Office (Dolores Delgado-Garzón) to prevent the extradition to the United States of the head of Chaves and Maduro's Intelligence, imposed by Iglesias-Monedero and to save the skin of the illustrious Ábalos, who never explained where the 40 suitcases of his close friend Delcy Rodriguez ended up. The case was suspiciously shelved by the Audiencia Nacional. The same Audiencia that considered it legal to dismiss Colonel López de los Cobos for complying with the law by refusing to inform the minister about 8-M and Covid19. 

Now, the aim of the little Marlaska is to outlaw VOX by throwing tons of rubbish and television hatred on Abascal's party so that Rufián's axiom is fulfilled: "The failure of the Negotiation Table will never be of the independentism; it will also be of the PSOE and the Government because, don't forget, Mr. Sánchez, the alternative is PP-VOX and that is bad for everyone and for all of us". Marlaska  and Sánchez should resign because of the lies recorded in the Journal of Sessions of the Congress and the Senate if they had a little dignity. They will not do it because they have no shame.

Never in the history of Spanish democracy has it been seen that a Minister of the Interior is against the Police and the Civil Guard, the Prison and Customs officers, to whom he does not give the means to fight drug trafficking, while he donates anti-riot material and top quality patrol cars to Morocco and Mauritania.  Moreover, it is training the Mossos to take charge of ports and coastal areas. With what budget allocation? Another kick to the ESF in Catalonia, the Basque Country and Navarre.


When it comes to voting, dear readers, never forget that from day one Sánchez has maintained the number one public enemy of the Victims of Terrorism in the Interior. Not a single vote. Two unpresentable guys.

 Congress, handcuffed

In the coming days, the TC will have to decide whether or not the six-month State of Alarm that neutralised Parliament was unconstitutional. Everything seems to indicate that the TC will make the same pronouncement, blaming the government for the irresponsibility of leaving in the hands of the Autonomous Regions powers that did not correspond to them, such as curfew hours, (in)mobilisation and perimeter closures. The High Court's rapporteur considers that the rights of the deputies to legislate and to control the Executive were violated.

 As Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo denounced at the time, "Parliament does not close even in times of war". During the 25 months of the pandemic, this government has behaved like an authoritarian and opaque executive. The president has not shown his face.  We do not know how many people have died from Covid, nor how much the vaccines have cost - we owe 70 percent to the EU - nor do we know the reports of the EMU in the residences run by the vice-tertuliano Iglesias, nor have the reports of the (non-existent) experts been made public, nor have any public minutes been taken of the meetings between the Ministry of Health and the Autonomous Regions. 

The parliamentary course was opened by the president accusing the PP and VOX of trying to bring him down when the government had already gone on state television to hypocritically declare that "we have mourned all the dead and we have vaccinated everyone without asking who they voted for". Is this guy a democrat, is he in his right mind, isn't health a universal right in our country? It has not been possible to mourn all the dead because the number has been hidden from us (possibly 150,000; almost 100 a day in this fifth wave) and to claim that nobody has been asked who they voted for is racism, sectarian Nazism and hatred of the 1930's. There are his enabling laws (such as the one that neutralises the functions of the CGPJ and the RD of the Official State Gazette).


One day historians will have to reconsider the parallel between Sanchism and the dawn of the Third Reich. The entire information policy of the Moncloa is Gobbelsian.  This guy in his look, in his gestures and in his words -Rosa Diez dixit- reflects the dark soul of a dangerous leader. Humiliated by Aragonés i García - forcing him to go to the first meeting and sit at the Table for Independence, entering under the sign of the political prisoners, he bowed his neck to the flag, but kept silent like a coward when the Spanish flag was removed from that "bilateral summit". As if it were another state. 

 The social-communist government has consolidated an extra-parliamentary path that is highly detrimental to the rule of law, making the work of the Monarchy extraordinarily complicated.

Despite the silence imposed by the masters of secrecy, the only concrete agreement will be the dismantling of state institutions in Catalonia. In the same line that Bildu, PVN, PSE and PSN demand in their territories. Urcullu goes further: to recover the foral rights prior to the first Carlist war (1833-1840). ETA should be whitewashed, Francoism should be persecuted and even the 1950 polio should be investigated. But on Covid, there is stony silence. A democratic memory to dispel the resentment and hatred of the Civil War to which the Second Republic led us directly. And as an example, Largo Caballero... the Spanish Lenin. Fuck! Having a decent socialist in their ranks as was Julián Besteiro, they choose the most scoundrel as a reference point. (See Diario de Sesiones de las Cortes). 

Bringing judges to heel

 A few minutes before the opening of the Judicial Year, the President of the Government lashed out against the Council of the Judiciary and the Supreme Court, Carlos Lesmes, describing as "revenge" the ruling of the SC against the 1-0 coup perpetrators and as being outside the Constitution.  Inadmissible. 

But Sánchez does not believe in the separation of powers. And he wants, like a neo-Francoist and neo-dictator with the smile of a hyena, to unify the powers of the State. And to control, moreover, the Crown. Goodbye, Montesquieu, goodbye. Alfonso Guerra, who today is tearing his hair out over the separatist drift, has already said as much. Good riddance to green sleeves. Lesmes made a brave speech and warned the Government that the reform limiting the capacity of the CGPJ would aggravate the situation and reminded Sánchez that the EU put the brakes on another reform that it considered dangerous.


For once the PP of Casado, Abascal and Arrimadas are not giving in. And they are right. Go back to the Magna Carta (article 122.3) If they give in and leave the reform for 2028, the POSOE will not comply because they will have taken over the absolute majority of the Judiciary. And by controlling the judges, they will lead us to a silent dictatorship where their power will be extended until 2040. Farewell to democracy because that would mean ceding Justice to Catalonia, the Basque Country and Navarre! We already have the precedents of Pascual Estevill and Santiago Vidal, corrupt Catalan judges who tried to create kingdoms of judicial taifas to redeem the coup plotters. Let's hope that the King will come to Barcelona this year for the presentation of offices at the Judicial School.

Corruption moves forward

With this government of regeneration there has never been so much corruption. From the position of the wife of Juan Espadas, mayor of Seville, who has been paid for years without working after being handpicked two days before the vacancies were advertised, to the now mature Chavista hierarchs who seized a 14 million euro booty from Spain's Duro Felguera. The fires in Malaga - with one fireman killed, DEP - have been arson. And the stashes of weed increased in Castellón, Algeciras (8,000 kilos) - a lawless land -; 5,700 plants seized in Zaragoza and Extremadura. The entire anti-drugs leadership arrested in Mérida (four policemen and two civil guards) while one of the capos boasted on Instagram of "having as much money as Escobar". It is good that the black chickpeas, the odd lawyer and notary are expelled from the force, although it is surprising that no judge has ever been caught red-handed. 

Corruption is passing a course with a failing grade, although the PSOE and Castells say that the remedial exams create a "social gap". All out for the "cum fraud" of the president's thesis. Even copying can no longer be sanctioned. Finally, let it be noted that the ex-husband of Mónica Oltra (vice-president of the Valencian Community) has been firmly condemned for abusing minors in centres that depended on her Department. And the same allegations of rape have been made in the Balearic Islands where the Socialist Party and Podemos have prevented a commission of investigation. Francina Armengol, more dedicated to handing over the Balearic Islands to pancatalanism than to governing for the people, not only killed the confinement last year, but also tried to stop the rigging of the "Ports case" that benefited her friends by implicating the Port Authority presided by Juan Gual. The state technicians refused to ratify the irregularities and the judge sees solid indications of corruption. What will the Public Prosecutor's Office do? I can tell you: nothing. 

We are still waiting for Puigdemont's conspiracies after seeing the rejection of Just's two coup plotters in the Bureau - he should have promoted himself as a candidate - and the resolutions for the final agreement "voted" between the owners of the secret: Sánchez Pérez-Castejon and Aragonés i García. Will they make us swallow this ultra-secret and discreet agreement on referendum and independence with millstones? Will they take it to the Parliament and the Congress and the Senate to laugh at all the representatives of national sovereignty? And impose it by decree?  Two crooks and two traitors. We will continue to resist. 

In memoriam 

On September 8, journalist Elia Rodriguez, one of the most emblematic voices of the Libertad Digital Group, died in Madrid, victim of a domestic accident. She was 38 years old. She directed the programmes "La Mañana del Fin de Semana" and "Es Toros". I did not know her personally but her talent, her professionalism and her human quality hooked you into her world: culture, music, poetry, books - she was an open and brilliant interviewer - filled the minutes with wit and entertainment. She was a communicator of information and advertising (the voice of El Corte Inglés every morning). Working with her, a friend and colleague tells me, "was a privilege". Our condolences to all her family and friends. The Academy of Radio and TV will award her the Gold Medal next year (posthumously). It is never too late to continue to remember him. D.E.P. We loved you and will miss you, dear colleague.


And just a few hours ago Joseba Arregui (Andoain, Guipúzcoa, 1946), Basque government councillor and essayist, was buried. A good, just, wise man. A lover of peace The person who was closest to the Victims of ETA Terrorism. I followed his articles in EL MUNDO. Very hard on the PNV, he lived four decades against the tide of official despotism". How simple is death, how simple/ but how unjustly snatched", as Miguel Hernández taught us. May the Lord welcome him to his bosom. An eternal embrace to his family and friends.

*Antonio REGALADO directs BAHÍA DE ITACA in:

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