Together with the Machado Foundation

The Three Cultures Foundation offers the lecture 'Raíces y ramas europeas de Alfonso X. El fecho del Imperio'

fundacion 3 culturas

The Three Cultures Foundation of the Mediterranean and the Machado Foundation will develop a programme of activities centred on the figure of Alfonso X 'The Wise' to coincide with the 8th centenary of his birth.

This is a joint initiative of both institutions to study this legacy in depth from different fields (from the historical to the artistic, including the patrimonial, legal or even the customs of his time that have survived to the present day), taking into account the enormous relevance of the monarch.

Questions such as these will be analysed in much greater detail in a series of lectures under the scientific coordination of Antonio Zoido, president of the Machado Foundation.

The series will hold a monthly session until June and will resume after the summer break with three more conferences, from September to November, which will deal with such interesting subjects as the birth of Hispanic lyric poetry, the European roots and branches of Alfonso X and the genesis of the popular arts.

Second conference:

Thursday 7 April, 19.00 h. 'Raíces y ramas europeas de Alfonso X. El fecho del Imperio', by Laureano Fernández-Távora Fernández, a populariser of the history of the Late Middle Ages.

The lecture will bring us closer to the network of Alfonso X's relationships with the majority of the European Courts and the people who managed the marriage policies that made this king one of the noblest lineages of his time. The Fecho del Imperio will also be analysed from the international context of the time: the conflict between Guelphs and Ghibellines, the rebellion of the Castilian nobility and the failure of the meeting with Pope Gregory X.

About Laureano Fernández-Távora

Laureano Fernández-Távora Fernández (Seville 1952), is a retired specialist in allergology. Trained at the Virgen Macarena Hospital in Seville, he developed his professional activity at the Juan Ramón Jiménez Hospital in Huelva and the Virgen del Rocío Hospital in Seville. Author of numerous publications indexed in Immunology and Allergy journals and chapters in books in his speciality. Speaker at Congresses and Symposiums of the Spanish Society of Allergology, of which he was a member of the Board of Directors for 8 years.

Interested in History and the Humanities, he is a regular attendee at the sessions of the Al-Andalus Chair of the Three Cultures Foundation of the Mediterranean. Due to his special predilection for the history of the late Middle Ages in Europe, he was invited in 2013 by Professor Emilio González Ferrín, scientific director of the Chair, to participate in the book Encrucijada de Culturas Alfonso X y su tiempo, a tribute to the historian Francisco Márquez Villanueva. In his article 'Los hijos olvidados de Fernando III El Santo' he describes aspects little known to non-historians of the biographies of the brothers of Alfonso X, Fadrique, Felipe and Enrique.

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